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Two belt-scale projects covering ~1000km2
Western Australia’s Prolific Eastern Goldfields
Sarama Resources has two belt-scale projects* covering approximately 1000km2 in the Laverton Gold District in Western Australia’s Prolific Eastern Goldfields. Between them, the projects host over 100km strike-length of greenstone rocks and are well-positioned, underexplored and present an outstanding exploration opportunity.

The projects are situated within 40km of each other and are well positioned between the 8Moz Gruyere Gold Mine & the +35Moz Laverton Gold Belt. Both projects enjoy good access with the Cosmo Project being 95 km northeast of Laverton on the Great Central Road with Mt Venn being located a further 40km east along the same road. The Great Central Road services the +300,000 oz/yr Gruyere Gold Mine which is approximately 40km east of Mt Venn.
The region is significantly underexplored and was locked up for decades in native title determination leading to limited modern exploration or drilling of merit. Gruyere which was discovered in 2013 represents the first major discovery in the region and highlights the potential of the area. Gold Road Resources has continued to demonstrate the potential of the region with its on-going gold discoveries including the 1Moz Golden Highway Deposit which is 20km from Mt Venn and also the 0.3Moz Gilmore Deposit.
Mt Venn and Cosmo represent outstanding exploration opportunities with many of the traits the company looks for including gold prospective geology, scale, old workings, limited exploration and locations in prolific gold producing districts.

* Upon completion of the Mt Venn Project acquisition (see news release dated 13 January 2025)