Our Approach to Environmental Management

Preserving the natural environment surrounding our projects.

At Sarama, we are committed to conducting our operations in a manner to minimise our impact on the environment and adhere to applicable environmental laws and regulations. Where adequate laws do not exist, we endeavour to adopt and apply standards that reflect the Company’s commitment to the environment.

In order to minimise the environmental impact the Company:

  • Assesses the environmental impacts of our activities prior commencing work
  • Ensures systems are in place to reduce our impact on the environment and efficiently use local resources
  • Rehabilitates areas affected by our operations
  • Ensures environmental impacts are considered during future planning and feasibility processes
  • Provides appropriate information and supervision necessary to meet our environmental commitments and responsibilities.
  • Communicates our environment policy to all employees and external stakeholders
  • Works with local community leaders to identify areas of sensitivity and importance 
  • Ensures that employees, contractors and visitors are informed of and understand their obligations with respect to the environment