
All Announcements

February 27, 2025Sarama Advances Mt Venn Gold Project Acquisition2025/02/27
February 18, 2025Sarama Corporate Presentation - February 20252025/02/18
February 14, 2025Substantial Holder Dislosure - Dinning2025/02/14
February 12, 2025Substantial Holder Disclosure2025/02/12
February 11, 2025Change of Director's Interests (App 3Y) - S Jackson2025/02/11
February 11, 2025Change of Director's Interest (App 3Y) - A Dinning2025/02/11
February 11, 2025Sarama Completes Issue of Shares for Debt and Cleansing Notice2025/02/11
February 11, 2025Sarama Completes Tranche 2 Options Placement2025/02/11
February 11, 2025Application for Quotation of Securities2025/02/11
February 11, 2025Notification Regarding Unquoted Securities2025/02/11
February 10, 2025Sarama - Geochemistry Program Underway at Cosmo Gold Project2025/02/10
February 5, 2025ASX - Details of Voting at Special General Meeting2025/02/05
February 3, 2025ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Jan 252025/02/03
January 20, 2025ASX Appendix 3H - Cessation of Securities - Options2025/01/20
January 20, 2025ASX Appendix 3Y - Change of Director's Interests x32025/01/20
January 13, 2025Sarama Consolidates Position in Western Australian Goldfields2025/01/13
January 3, 2025ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Dec 242025/01/03
January 3, 2025ASX Appendix_3Z - Final Director's Interest Notice - Steven Zaninovich2025/01/03
January 3, 2025ASX Appendix_3X - Initial Director's Interest Notice - Michael Bohm2025/01/03
January 2, 2025Sarama Board Changes2025/01/02
December 12, 2024Sarama Submits Request for Arbitration against Burkina Faso2024/12/12
December 10, 2024ASX Substantial holder disclosure- Adelong2024/12/10
December 6, 2024ASX Cleansing Notice2024/12/06
December 6, 2024Sarama Completes Acquisition of Cosmo Gold Project2024/12/06
December 6, 2024ASX App 3G - Notification of Unquoted Securities - Cosmo2024/12/06
December 6, 2024ASX App 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities - Cosmo2024/12/06
December 3, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Nov 242024/12/03
December 2, 2024ASX App 2A - Application for Quotation - Tranche 1 Placement2024/12/02
November 29, 2024Sarama Completes A$2m Equity Placement and ASX Cleansing Notice2024/11/29
November 21, 2024Sarama Announces Equity Placement Up to A$2m and Issue of Equity for Debt2024/11/21
November 21, 2024ASX App 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities -Shares for Debt2024/11/21
November 21, 2024ASX App 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities2024/11/21
November 14, 20242024 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2024/11/14
November 14, 20242024 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2024/11/14
November 5, 2024Sarama - Key Milestone in Cosmo Gold Project Acquisition2024/11/05
November 1, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Oct 242024/11/01
October 24, 2024Sarama Secures Funding for Burkina Faso Arbitration Claim2024/10/24
October 14, 2024Sarama Updates on Progress of Cosmo Gold Project Acquisition2024/10/14
October 1, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Sept 242024/10/01
September 25, 2024Sarama Updates Progress of Cosmo Gold Project Acquisition2024/09/25
September 25, 2024ASX - Substantial Holder Disclosure - A Dinning2024/09/25
September 19, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interest Notice x 42024/09/19
September 18, 2024Sarama Completes Issue Shares for Debt and Cleansing Notice2024/09/18
September 18, 2024ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2024/09/18
September 16, 2024Sarama Completes Tranche 2 Placement and Cleansing Notice2024/09/16
September 16, 2024ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2024/09/16
September 16, 2024ASX - Notification regarding unquoted securities2024/09/16
September 12, 2024Results of AGM2024/09/12
September 2, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Aug 242024/09/02
August 14, 20242024 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2024/08/14
August 14, 20242024 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2024/08/14
August 13, 2024Sarama Advances Acquisition of Gold Project in Western Australia2024/08/13
August 5, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - July 242024/08/05
July 24, 2024ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Unquoted Securities2024/07/24
July 23, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - Andrew Dinning2024/07/23
July 23, 2024Sarama Provides Corporate Update2024/07/23
July 22, 2024Sarama Provides ASX Compliance Update2024/07/22
July 16, 2024Sarama Provides Corporate Update2024/07/16
July 1, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - Andrew Dinning2024/07/01
July 1, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - June 242024/07/01
June 27, 2024ASX - Substantial Holder Disclosure x 22024/06/27
June 26, 2024ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2024/06/26
June 26, 2024Sarama Announces Completion of Tranche 1 Equity Placement & ASX Cleansing Notice2024/06/26
June 26, 2024ASX - Substantial Holder Disclosure - Konwave2024/06/26
June 26, 2024ASX - Substantial Holder Disclosure - Silver Lake Resources2024/06/26
June 19, 2024Sarama announces Equity Placement of up to A$1m2024/06/19
June 19, 2024ASX Appendix 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities2024/06/19
June 17, 2024Sarama Corporate Presentation - June 20242024/06/17
June 17, 2024Sarama Signs MOU over West Australian Gold Project2024/06/17
June 17, 2024ASX - Trading halt2024/06/17
June 4, 2024ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - May 242024/06/04
May 24, 2024ASX Notification Cessation of Securities2024/05/24
May 13, 2024Statement of Executive Compensation for FY 20232024/05/13
May 10, 20242024 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2024/05/10
May 10, 20242024 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2024/05/10
May 1, 2024ASX Statement of CDIs on issue - Apr 242024/05/01
April 17, 2024Sarama Completes 2nd and Final Tranche - Equity Placement2024/04/17
April 17, 2024ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2024/04/17
April 17, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - Andrew Dinning2024/04/17
April 12, 2024Results of Special Meeting - 11 April 20242024/04/12
April 2, 2024ASX Statement of CDIs on issue - Mar 242024/04/02
April 2, 20242023 Annual Information Form2024/04/02
March 28, 20242023 Consolidated Financial Statements2024/03/28
March 28, 20242023 Annual MD&A2024/03/28
March 1, 2024ASX Statement of CDIs on issue - Feb 242024/03/01
February 1, 2024ASX Statement of CDIs on issue - Jan 242024/02/01
January 24, 2024ASX - Response to Query - Change of Directors Interests2024/01/24
January 23, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - S Zaninovich2024/01/23
January 23, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - A Byass2024/01/23
January 23, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - S Jackson2024/01/23
January 23, 2024ASX - Change of Director's Interests - Andrew Dinning2024/01/23
January 3, 2024ASX Substantial holder disclosure -Myrmikan Gold Fund2024/01/03
January 3, 2024ASX Substantial holder disclosure -Konwave2024/01/03
January 2, 2024ASX Statement of CDIs on issue - Dec 232024/01/02
December 29, 2023ASX Substantial holder disclosure - Silver Lake Resources2023/12/29
December 28, 2023ASX Substantial Holder disclosure - Phoenix Gold Fund2023/12/28
December 22, 2023Sarama Completes Tranche 1 Equity Placement2023/12/22
December 22, 2023ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Unquoted Securities2023/12/22
December 22, 2023ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2023/12/22
December 20, 2023ASX Substantial holder disclosure - Sun Valley2023/12/20
December 18, 2023Proposed Equity Placement up to A$5200002023/12/18
December 18, 2023ASX Appendix 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities2023/12/18
December 14, 2023ASX - Trading Halt2023/12/14
December 7, 2023ASX Substantial holder disclosure -Sun Valley2023/12/07
November 30, 2023Notice of Intent to Submit Claims To Arbitration2023/11/30
November 28, 2023ASX - Change of Director's Interests - A Dinning2023/11/28
November 15, 20232023 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2023/11/15
November 15, 20232023 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2023/11/15
November 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - October 232023/11/01
October 18, 2023Sarama Engages Leading Arbitration Law Firm2023/10/18
October 10, 2023ASX - Substantial holder disclosure2023/10/10
October 4, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - September 232023/10/04
September 7, 2023ASX - Change of Australian Registry Address2023/09/07
September 6, 2023ASX - Reinstatement to Quotation2023/09/06
September 6, 2023Update on Status of Tankoro 2 Exploration Permit2023/09/06
September 5, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - August 232023/09/05
September 5, 2023ASX - Voluntary Suspension2023/09/05
September 1, 2023ASX - Trading Halt2023/09/01
August 31, 2023Trading Halt Pending Clarification of Exploration Permit2023/08/31
August 10, 20232023 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2023/08/10
August 10, 20232023 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2023/08/10
August 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - July 232023/08/01
July 3, 2023ASX Appendix 3H - Cessation of securities2023/07/03
July 3, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - June 232023/07/03
June 26, 2023ASX - Change of Director's Interests - S Zaninovich2023/06/26
June 26, 2023ASX - Change of Director's Interests - A Byass2023/06/26
June 23, 2023ASX - Substantial Holder Disclosure2023/06/23
June 21, 2023Sarama Completes Second and Final Tranche of Placement to Advance PEA2023/06/21
June 21, 2023ASX - Change of Director's Interests - Andrew Dinning2023/06/21
June 21, 2023ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2023/06/21
June 21, 2023ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Unquoted Securities2023/06/21
June 14, 2023Sarama Completes Second Tranche of Placement to Advance PEA2023/06/14
June 14, 2023ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2023/06/14
June 14, 2023ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of issue of unquoted securities2023/06/14
June 8, 2023ASX Notification of issue of unquoted securities2023/06/08
June 8, 2023ASX - Change of Director's Interests (x4)2023/06/08
June 7, 2023Result of AGM - 6 June 20232023/06/07
June 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - May 20232023/06/01
June 1, 2023ASX - Substantial holder disclosure2023/06/01
May 15, 20232023 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2023/05/15
May 15, 20232023 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2023/05/15
May 10, 2023Sarama Corporate Presentation - May 20232023/05/10
May 4, 2023Investor Webinar Presentation2023/05/04
May 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - April 20232023/05/01
April 21, 2023Corporate Update2023/04/21
April 21, 2023ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Unquoted Securities2023/04/21
April 14, 2023ASX - Substantial holder disclosure2023/04/14
April 13, 2023Closing of Tranche 1 Placement and Cleansing Notice2023/04/13
April 13, 2023ASX Appendix 2A - Application for Quotation of Securities2023/04/13
April 13, 2023ASX Appendix 3G - Notification of Issue of Unquoted Securities2023/04/13
April 3, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Mar 20232023/04/03
April 3, 2023Sarama Corporate Presentation April 20232023/04/03
April 3, 2023ASX Appendix 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities2023/04/03
April 3, 2023Sarama Undertakes A$2m Placement to Advance Sanutura Project2023/04/03
March 31, 2023Annual Information Form - 20222023/03/31
March 30, 2023ASX Trading Halt2023/03/30
March 30, 20232022 Consolidated Financial Statements2023/03/30
March 7, 2023ASX - Substantial holder disclosure2023/03/07
March 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Feb 20232023/03/01
February 9, 2023RIU Explorers Event Guide Published in The Australian Newspaper2023/02/09
February 8, 2023Corporate Presentation - Mining Indaba Feb 20232023/02/08
February 1, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Jan 20232023/02/01
January 31, 2023Sarama Corporate Presentation - Exploration Drilling Review January 20232023/01/31
January 17, 2023ASX - Change of Directors Interest Notices x 22023/01/17
January 17, 2023ASX - Notification of cessation of securities2023/01/17
January 11, 2023Correction to Initial Directors Interest Notice - S Zaninovich2023/01/11
January 6, 2023ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Dec 20222023/01/06
December 22, 2022Results of AGM 22 December 20222022/12/22
December 6, 2022Sarama Corporate Presentation December 20222022/12/06
December 1, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Nov 20222022/12/01
November 14, 20222022 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2022/11/14
November 14, 20222022 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2022/11/14
November 10, 2022ASX - Change of Director's Interest Notice2022/11/10
November 2, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Oct 20222022/11/02
October 19, 2022Sarama Exploration Update - Webinar October 20222022/10/19
October 3, 2022Sarama Activities Continue in Burkina Faso2022/10/03
October 3, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - Sept 20222022/10/03
September 14, 2022Sarama Corporate Presentation September 20222022/09/14
September 2, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on issue - Aug 20222022/09/02
August 15, 20222022 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2022/08/15
August 15, 20222022 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2022/08/15
August 1, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - July 20222022/08/01
July 14, 2022Sanutura Project Exploration Update2022/07/14
July 1, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - June 20222022/07/01
June 29, 2022ASX - Change of Director's Interest Notice2022/06/29
June 7, 2022ASX - Statement of CDIs on Issue - May 20222022/06/07
May 30, 20222022 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2022/05/30
May 30, 20222022 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2022/05/30
May 12, 2022Commencement of +50,000m Drill Program at Sanutura Project2022/05/12
May 11, 2022ASX - Substantial holder disclosure2022/05/11
May 10, 2022ASX - Change of Director's Interest Notice2022/05/10
May 6, 2022Investor Briefing - Replay2022/05/06
May 6, 2022ASX - Initial Directors Interest Notice2022/05/06
May 2, 2022Sarama Corporate Presentation May 20222022/05/02
May 2, 2022Investor Briefing - Webcast2022/05/02
May 2, 2022Sarama Commences Trading on ASX2022/05/02
April 28, 2022Sarama to Commence Trading on ASX on May 22022/04/28
April 22, 2022Sarama Completes Equity Raising for Dual Listing on ASX2022/04/22
April 11, 2022Sarama Provides Update on Dual Listing on ASX2022/04/11
March 25, 2022Sarama Receives Strong Demand In Equity Raising for Dual Listing on ASX2022/03/25
March 11, 2022Sarama files Prospectus for proposed dual listing on the Australian Securities Exchange2022/03/11
January 25, 2022Sarama Activities Continue in Burkina Faso2022/01/25
January 19, 2022Corporate Update2022/01/19
December 1, 2021Sarama Granted New Exploration Permit for Tankoro Deposit in Burkina Faso, Set To List on ASX2021/12/01
November 26, 20212021 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2021/11/26
November 26, 20212021 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2021/11/26
November 16, 2021Significant Increase in Mineral Resources at Sanutura Project2021/11/16
September 22, 2021Issue of Gbingue 2 Permit2021/09/22
August 27, 20212021 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2021/08/27
August 27, 20212021 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2021/08/27
August 12, 2021Issue of Djarkadougou II Permit Hosting Bondi Deposit2021/08/12
July 29, 2021Sarama Announces Closure of Private Placement2021/07/29
July 15, 2021Sarama Announces Upsized Private Placement2021/07/15
July 14, 2021Sarama Announces Private Placement2021/07/14
June 14, 2021Update on Permitting and Corporate Activities2021/06/14
May 31, 20212021 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2021/05/31
May 31, 20212021 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2021/05/31
February 17, 2021Update on Corporate Activities and Planned Exploration2021/02/17
January 15, 2021Corporate Update2021/01/15
December 16, 2020Sarama Re-issued Dabokuy 2 Exploration Permit2020/12/16
November 27, 20202020 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2020/11/27
November 27, 20202020 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2020/11/27
October 20, 2020Sarama Files NI 43-101 Technical Report for The Sanutura Gold Project2020/10/20
October 5, 2020Sarama seeks to Dual List on ASX2020/10/05
September 8, 2020Sarama Reports Significant Increase in Mineral Resources at The Sanutura Project2020/09/08
August 26, 20202020 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2020/08/26
August 4, 2020Sarama Closes Private Placement2020/08/04
July 27, 2020Sarama Closes First Tranche of Private Placement2020/07/27
July 13, 2020Sarama Announces C$3,000,000 Private Placement2020/07/13
July 3, 2020Corporate Update2020/07/03
June 24, 2020Board Changes and Pursuit of New Strategic Direction2020/06/24
June 1, 2020Sarama Resources Corporate Update2020/06/01
February 26, 2020Sarama Resources Announces Updated Mineral Resource Estimate For The Karankasso Joint Venture Project, South-West Burkina Faso2020/02/26
January 30, 2020Sarama Resources Announces Assay Results From Bamako 2 Drill Program In South-West Burkina Faso2020/01/30
January 20, 2020Sarama Resources Corporate Update2020/01/20
November 25, 2019Sarama Resources Commences Drilling At The Prospective Bamako 2 Exploration Property In South-West Burkina Faso2019/11/25
November 18, 2019Sarama Resources Regains 100% Interest In South Houndé Project And Amends Commercial Terms2019/11/18
October 30, 2019Sarama Resources Re-Issued The Prospective Bamako 2 Exploration Permit In Burkina Faso2019/10/30
October 28, 2019Sarama Resources Receives Final Consideration For Sale Of Kandiole Sud Exploration Property In Mali2019/10/28
September 17, 20192019 Karankasso Exploration Budget Set At $5 Million2019/09/17
August 6, 2019Sarama Resources Completes Oxide Focused Drill Program At The South Houndé Project, South-West Burkina Faso2019/08/06
May 14, 2019Sarama Resources Executes Definitive Agreement To Regain 100% Ownership Of South Hounde Project In South-West Burkina Faso2019/05/14
April 30, 2019Sarama Resources Closes C$5.9 Million Private Placement2019/04/30
April 26, 2019Sarama Resources Increases Previously Announced Private Placement To C$5.9 Million2019/04/26
April 9, 2019Sarama Resources Announces Strategic Investment By Silver Lake Resources To Advance Southern Houndé Belt Projects In Burkina Faso2019/04/09
January 18, 2019Grant Of Options2019/01/18
November 27, 2018Sarama Resources To Regain 100% Ownership Of South Hounde Project In South-West Burkina Faso2018/11/27
September 20, 2018Sarama Resources Extends Strike Length Of New Discovery On The Djarkadougou Property2018/09/20
May 11, 2018Sarama Resources Announces Receipt Of Consideration For Sale Of Kandiole Sud Property In West Mali2018/05/11
April 23, 2018Sarama Resources Announces Sale Of Kandiole Sud Exploration Property In West Mali To Oklo Resources2018/04/23
April 4, 2018Sarama Resources Varies Royalty Terms On Its Kandiolé Sud Property In West Mali2018/04/04
March 19, 2018Sarama Resources Closes C$4 Million Private Placement2018/03/19
March 9, 2018Sarama Resources Increases Previously Announced Private Placement To C$4 Million2018/03/09
February 28, 2018Sarama Resources Announces Private Placement2018/02/28
February 20, 2018Sarama Resources Identifies +3km-Long Gold Quartz-Vein System Proximal To Its Bondi Deposit In Burkina Faso2018/02/20
February 2, 2018Sarama Resources Establishes New 100% Owned 600km2 Exploration Position At Its Koumandara Project In Burkina Faso2018/02/02
January 8, 2018Sarama Resoures Corporate Update2018/01/08
September 28, 2017Sarama Announces Voting Results From Annual Shareholders' Meeting And Appointment Of Andrew Dinning As Chairman2017/09/28
September 12, 2017Sarama Resources Intersects Broad Oxide Mineralisation Near Its Bondi Deposit In Burkina Faso2017/09/12
August 22, 2017Sarama Resources Confirms Transfer Of Djarkadougou Exploration Permit (Bondi Gold Deposit) In Burkina Faso2017/08/22
August 21, 2017Sarama Resources Reports Final Q2 2017 Drill Results For Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2017/08/21
August 3, 2017Sarama Resources Announces Completion Of C$ 1,850,000 Private Placement2017/08/03
July 20, 2017Sarama Resources Announces Private Placement To Fund Exploration Programs In Burkina Faso2017/07/20
July 19, 2017Sarama Resources Announces Government Approval To Transfer Bondi Gold Deposit2017/07/19
July 5, 2017Sarama Resources Identifies Gold-In-Soil Anomalism Over 10km-Long Trend At Its 100%-Owned Botoro Property, Burkina Faso2017/07/05
May 16, 2017Sarama Resources Increases Exploration Interests In The Houndé Belt, Burkina Faso2017/05/16
May 5, 2017Sarama Resources Reports Final Q1 2017 Drill Results For Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2017/05/05
April 10, 2017Sarama Reports Further Q1 2017 Drill Results For Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2017/04/10
March 20, 2017Sarama Announces Completion of Warrant Exercise Incentive Program2017/03/20
March 9, 2017Sarama Resources Announces Extension Of Warrant Incentive Program2017/03/09
March 3, 2017Sarama Resources Reports Q1 2017 Drill Results For Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2017/03/03
February 16, 2017Sarama Resources Announces Warrant Incentive Program2017/02/16
February 3, 2017Sarama Resources Provides Progress Update For South Houndé Project In Burkina Faso2017/02/03
January 17, 2017Sarama Resources Reports Q4 2016 Drill Results For Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2017/01/17
January 6, 2017Employee Options2017/01/06
December 13, 2016Sarama Announces Update On Bondi Transaction2016/12/13
December 7, 2016Sarama Resources Appoints New Chief Financial Officer2016/12/07
November 21, 2016Sarama Resources Announces Commencement Of Drilling At The Karankasso Project JV In Burkina Faso2016/11/21
September 19, 2016Clarification Regarding Date Of Annual And Special General Meeting2016/09/19
August 2, 2016Sarama Resources Comments On Recent Trading Activity2016/08/02
July 19, 2016Sarama Resources Provides Update On Results From Q2 2016 Karankasso JV Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2016/07/19
June 30, 2016Sarama Resources Closes Financing2016/06/30
June 24, 2016Sarama Resources Closes First Tranche Of Financing2016/06/24
June 23, 2016Sarama Resources Receives TSXV Approval Of Extension To Warrant Term2016/06/23
June 8, 2016Sarama Resources Announces Private Placement To Fund Exploration Program In Burkina Faso2016/06/08
May 24, 2016Sarama Resources Acquires The Bondi Gold Deposit In Burkina Faso From Orezone Gold2016/05/24
May 6, 2016Sarama Resources To Extend Warrants2016/05/06
April 18, 2016Sarama Resources Announces Recommencement Of Drilling At The Karankasso Project In Burkina Faso2016/04/18
April 12, 2016Sarama Resources Completes Q1 2016 Drill Program At The South Houndé Project In Burkina Faso2016/04/12
March 31, 2016Sarama Resources Announces Filing Of NI 43-101 Technical Report For Mineral Resource Update At The South Houndé Project2016/03/31
March 1, 2016Sarama Resources Corporate Update2016/03/01
January 6, 2016Sarama Resources Announces Completion Of Sale Of Liberian Exploration Properties To Aureus Mining Inc.2016/01/06
December 22, 2015Sarama Resources Announces Closing Of Financing2015/12/22
December 21, 2015Sarama Resources Provides Update On Sale Of Liberian Exploration Properties To Aureus Mining Inc2015/12/21
November 24, 2015Sarama Resources Announces Details Of Private Placement2015/11/24
November 10, 2015Sarama Resources Announces Private Placement To Fund Exploration Programs In Burkina Faso2015/11/10
November 3, 2015Sarama Resources To Sell Three Liberian Exploration Licences To Aureus Mining Inc2015/11/03
October 8, 2015Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Of 671,000 Ounces Gold Announced At The Karankasso JV In Burkina Faso2015/10/08
September 4, 2015Sarama Provides Update On Final Results From Q2, 2015 Karankasso JV Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2015/09/04
August 27, 2015Sarama Provides Third Update On Karankasso JV Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2015/08/27
August 21, 2015Sarama Provides Update On Karankasso JV Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2015/08/21
August 7, 2015Sarama Provides Update On Karankasso Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2015/08/07
June 16, 2015Sarama Provides Update On Karankasso JV Drilling Campaign In Burkina Faso2015/06/16
April 27, 2015Sarama Resources Announces Recommencement Of Drilling At The South Houndé Project In Burkina Faso2015/04/27
April 23, 2015Sarama Announces Recommencement Of Drilling At The Karankasso JV In Burkina Faso2015/04/23
March 25, 2015Sarama Resources Completes Initial Drill Program Under The Acacia Mining Agreement At The South Houndé Project In Burkina Faso2015/03/25
January 5, 2015Sarama Resources Corporate Update2015/01/05
December 16, 2014Reconnaissance Field Program Reinforces Prospectively Of The Karankasso Project JV In Burkina Faso2014/12/16
December 14, 2014Sarama Resources Corporate Update2014/12/14
December 5, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Completion Of Earn-In Arrangement With Acacia Mining2014/12/05
November 27, 2014Sarama Resources And Acacia Mining (Formerly African Barrick Gold) Enter Into Earn-In Arrangement In Burkina Faso2014/11/27
October 3, 2014Drill Data Demonstrates Presence Of Another Gold Bearing System Further Emphasising Exploration Potential Of The Sarama/Savary JV Property2014/10/03
October 1, 2014Sarama Announces Appointment Of Dr Glen Masterman As A Non-Executive Director2014/10/01
September 11, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Finalisation Of Joint Venture Arrangements With Savary Gold Corp2014/09/11
September 8, 2014Sarama Resources Completes Successful Initial Scout Drill Program In Western Liberia2014/09/08
August 22, 2014Positive Metallurgical Test Results From Houndé South Joint Venture Property2014/08/22
July 11, 2014Sarama Resources Provides Update On Joint Venture Progress With Savary Gold2014/07/11
July 4, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Closing Of Subsequent Financing Bringing Total Funds Raised To C$3.15M2014/07/04
June 27, 2014Sarama Resources Provides Further Update On Financing Activities2014/06/27
June 23, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Appointment Of Mr David Groves As A Non-Executive Director2014/06/23
June 20, 2014Sarama Resources Provides Update On Financing Activities2014/06/20
June 13, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Closing Of Its Private Placement To Fund Drill Programs In Liberia, Mali And Burkina Faso2014/06/13
May 27, 2014Sarama Resources Commences Diamond Drill Program On 15km-Long Gold Trend In Western Liberia2014/05/27
May 15, 2014Sarama Provides Updates On Joint Venture Negotiations With Savary Gold And The Results Of Savary's Recently Completed Drilling Campaign2014/05/15
May 12, 2014Sarama Resources Announces Private Placement To Fund Drill Programs In Liberia, Mali And Burkina Faso2014/05/12
April 7, 2014Preliminary Oxide Heap Leach Testwork Delivers Excellent Results At The South Houndé Project2014/04/07
March 11, 2014Sarama Announces Heads Of Agreement To Create A Joint Venture With Savary Gold Corp2014/03/11
January 30, 2014Encouraging Preliminary Metallurgical Testwork For Oxide Heap Leaching At The South Houndé Project2014/01/30
January 30, 2014Sarama Resources Corporate Update2014/01/30
January 13, 2014Sarama Resources Extends Strike Length At Anomalous Gold-In-Soil Trend To 15km And Intersects In-Situ Gold Mineralisation In Trenching Programs In Liberia2014/01/13
March 30, 20232022 Annual MD&A2023/03/30
August 26, 20202020 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2020/08/26
January 27, 2014Sarama Resources Defines 14km-Long Anomalous Gold-In-Soil Trend and Intersects In-Situ Gold Mineralisation In Trenching Programs In Central Liberia2014/01/27
April 22, 20222021 Consolidated Financial Statements2022/04/22
May 29, 20202020 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2020/05/29
April 22, 20222021 Annual MD&A2022/04/22
May 29, 20202020 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2020/05/29
March 30, 20212020 Consolidated Financial Statements2021/03/30
November 28, 20192019 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2019/11/28
March 30, 20212020 Annual MD&A2021/03/30
November 28, 20192019 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2019/11/28
April 21, 20202019 Consolidated Financial Statements2020/04/21
August 27, 20192019 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2019/08/27
April 21, 20202019 Annual MD&A2020/04/21
August 27, 20192019 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2019/08/27
May 29, 20192019 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2019/05/29
April 30, 20192018 Consolidated Financial Statements2019/04/30
May 29, 20192019 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2019/05/29
April 30, 20192018 Annual MD&A2019/04/30
November 27, 20182018 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2018/11/27
April 27, 20182017 Consolidated Financial Statements2018/04/27
November 27, 20182018 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2018/11/27
April 27, 20182017 Annual MD&A2018/04/27
August 28, 20182018 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2018/08/28
April 28, 20172016 Consolidated Financial Statements2017/04/28
August 28, 20182018 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2018/08/28
April 28, 20172016 Annual MD&A2017/04/28
May 31, 20182018 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2018/05/31
May 2, 20162015 Consolidated Financial Statements2016/05/02
May 31, 20182018 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2018/05/31
May 2, 20162015 Annual MD&A2016/05/02
November 24, 20172017 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2017/11/24
April 30, 20152014 Consolidated Financial Statements2015/04/30
November 24, 20172017 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2017/11/24
April 30, 20152014 Annual MD&A2015/04/30
August 31, 20172017 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2017/08/31
April 30, 20142013 Consolidated Financial Statements2014/04/30
August 31, 20172017 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2017/08/31
April 30, 20142013 Annual MD&A2014/04/30
May 30, 20172017 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2017/05/30
May 30, 20172017 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2017/05/30
November 29, 20162016 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2016/11/29
November 29, 20162016 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2016/11/29
August 26, 20162016 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2016/08/26
August 26, 20162016 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2016/08/26
May 27, 20162016 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2016/05/27
May 27, 20162016 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2016/05/27
November 25, 20152015 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2015/11/25
November 25, 20152015 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2015/11/25
August 27, 20152015 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2015/08/27
August 27, 20152015 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2015/08/27
May 28, 20152015 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2015/05/28
May 28, 20152015 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2015/05/28
November 28, 20142014 Q3 Quarterly MD&A2014/11/28
November 28, 20142014 Q3 Consolidated Financial Statements2014/11/28
August 29, 20142014 Q2 Quarterly MD&A2014/08/29
August 29, 20142014 Q2 Consolidated Financial Statements2014/08/29
May 30, 20142014 Q1 Quarterly MD&A2014/05/30
May 30, 20142014 Q1 Consolidated Financial Statements2014/05/30